Короткая жизнь гениев в рекламе инвесторов Allan Grey
«Если бы у них было больше времени, представьте какие бы возможности они открыли», — под таким слоганом инвестиционная компания Allan Gray показывает короткую жизнь гениев.
Южноафриканское агентство King James показало на примере Жанны Дарк, Моцарта и Нкоси Джонсона как правильное планирование времени может дать огромные результаты.
Слоган: Given more time, imagine the possibilities.
Allan Gray: Joan of Arc
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Название: Allan Gray: Joan of Arc
География: ЮАР
Рекламные агентства: KING JAMES
Бренды: Allan Gray
Ad Campaign: Allan Gray (Timeline)
Allan Gray has had the same investment philosophy for over 34 years, never waivering or changing they way they invest. The brief to King James, Cape Town was to create a campaign based on this form of long term thinking.
Text: "Time is a luxury not everyone can afford. We've been managing our clients' money the same way for 34 years. Nver interrupting the path of potential because with time and focus great results are possible".
Brand: Allan Gray Intellegent Investing
Agency: King James Cape Town
Executive Creative Director: Alistair King
Art Director: Karin Barry, Greg Cameron
Copywriter: Paige Nick
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Allan Gray: Mozart
1563x1046 в формате .jpg
Название: Allan Gray: Mozart
География: ЮАР
Рекламные агентства: KING JAMES
Бренды: Allan Gray
Ad Campaign: Allan Gray (Timeline)
Allan Gray has had the same investment philosophy for over 34 years, never waivering or changing they way they invest. The brief to King James, Cape Town was to create a campaign based on this form of long term thinking.
Text: "Time is a luxury not everyone can afford. We've been managing our clients' money the same way for 34 years. Nver interrupting the path of potential because with time and focus great results are possible".
Brand: Allan Gray Intellegent Investing
Agency: King James Cape Town
Executive Creative Director: Alistair King
Art Director: Karin Barry, Greg Cameron
Copywriter: Paige Nick
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Allan Gray: Nkosi Johnson
1563x1046 в формате .jpg
Название: Allan Gray: Nkosi Johnson
География: ЮАР
Рекламные агентства: KING JAMES
Бренды: Allan Gray
Ad Campaign: Allan Gray (Timeline)
Allan Gray has had the same investment philosophy for over 34 years, never waivering or changing they way they invest. The brief to King James, Cape Town was to create a campaign based on this form of long term thinking.
Text: "Time is a luxury not everyone can afford. We've been managing our clients' money the same way for 34 years. Nver interrupting the path of potential because with time and focus great results are possible".
Brand: Allan Gray Intellegent Investing
Agency: King James Cape Town
Executive Creative Director: Alistair King
Art Director: Karin Barry, Greg Cameron
Copywriter: Paige Nick
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